0 comments / Posted on by Helen Ficalora


We all know, in our hectic weeks, taking the time to sit down and actually relax can be hard. Meditation is a great way to focus, relax, and reflect. Here are some tips to relax you mind, and start meditating. 
Make it a formal practice- Try to get up 20-30 minutes early for some morning meditation. Morning is ideal for most of us because it’s quieter, your brain isn’t full of a day’s worth of nonsense, and there’s less of a chance of being interrupted.
Try a candle-Meditating can be challenging for us newbies, and a candle can act as a point of focus. 
It all starts with your breath- Take deep breaths through the nose.  Deep breathing slows your heart, relaxes your muscles, and helps focus your mind.
Pick a mantra- A mantra is basically a word to keep you focused. “Om” is probably the most well known mantra, but another recommended mantra is “one.”
Finish up with some gratitude- Try to spend the last few minutes of your meditation being grateful


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