We do not ship orders to post office boxes. A signature will not be required unless requested. The following FedEx shipping charges apply to addresses within the United States: Ground is free. 2nd Day is $25. Priority Overnight is $45. Saturday Overnight is $60. The following FedEx shipping charges apply to addresses within Canada: Priority Shipping is $45. Free shipping is available in the continental United States only (not available in Alaska, Hawaii, Canada, or any other international address). The customer is responsible for all shipping, handling, and delivery fees when returning an item that they purchase online or in-store. Free shipping is only valid for FedEx Ground shipments. There is still a fee for 2nd Day ($25), Priority Overnight ($45), and Saturday overnight ($60). International customers will be charged import duties, taxes, and brokerage fees that are not included in the product price or shipping and handling costs. These fees will be collected upon delivery from the carriers for certain packages. These charges are the recipient's responsibility. You may check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be. Priority overnight orders are eligible for Monday through Friday delivery if placed before 3 pm EST the day prior, this option does not include Saturday delivery. Saturday delivery is only available in select locations where Saturday Overnight ($60) is offered. Sunday and holiday delivery is not available.